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Contoh Abstrak Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Abstrak Bahasa Inggris

Source : komentarmu.com

Dalam rangka kepentingan publikasi internasional, publikasi karya ilmiah dalam bahasa Inggris sudah sangat umum dikenal. Hal ini gunanya untuk menyebarluaskan hasil publikasi sehingga dapat dibaca dan dijadikan referensi tidak hanya oleh orang yang paham bahasa Indonesia. Sehingga publikasi akan semakin bermanfaat bagi banyak orang. Berikut ini adalah contoh abstrak bahasa Inggris yang menjadi bagian dari publikasi karya ilmiah bahasa Inggris. Simak contoh abstrak basaha Inggris berikut ini.






The purpose of this study was to discover the significant difference on students’ reading competence between students taught using local culture-based storybook in the form of Legend and students taught without using local culture-based storybook in the form of Legend in Buleleng district primary schools. This study was an experimental study utilizing post-test only control group design. The population of this study was all sixth graders of Buleleng district primary schools while the samples of this study were 40 students consisting of 20 students from SD Lab Undiksha as experimental group and 20 students from SDN 4 Kaliuntu as control group. The samples were chosen using one intact group cluster random sampling technique. The data collection was done through post-test. The obtained data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. The result shows that, the mean score for experimental is higher than control group which is 89.75 > 83.75. Furthermore, inferential statistical analysis through t-test reveals that t observed is higher than t critical value which is 2.129 > 2.0244 (α = 0.05).  It indicates that there is a significant difference on students’ reading competence between students taught using local culture-based storybook in the form of Legend and students taught without using local culture-based storybook in the form of Legend in Buleleng district primary schools.


Keywords: Legend, Local Culture, Reading, Storybook, TEYL.







It is believed that adults learn better from peer. Colleagues contribute significant critic as well as suggestion in process of learning. Peer assessment is one of authentic assessments emphasizing on the role of colleagues in giving feedback in the form of oral or written feedback. While collaborative learning is a situation in which students learn collaboratively, sharing their ideas, opinions, and thoughts with their peers. Implementation of peer assessment and collaborative learning in the same time are believed to be able to promote students’ achievement in English as a Foreign Language classroom of adult learners. Emphasizing on the process of assessing and collaborating helps students to train their ability in working cooperatively on something. Learning collaboratively and cooperatively, criticizing, suggesting, and sharing ideas are keys of development as adult learners. It also believed that through collaborative working and assessing can decrease dependence toward existence of teacher. This paper aimed to describe how peer assessment and collaborative learning create environment of trust, honest, fair, or neutral, and critical thinking among the students of EFL. Further, this paper will include discussion of researches employing peer assessment and collaborative learning in EFL classroom of adult learners.


Keywords: peer-assessment, collaborative learning, adult learners.

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