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Contoh Artikel Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Artikel Bahasa Inggris

Source : cryptowi.com

The Trans Sumatra Toll Road Construction Project in Lampung Province

The development discourse lately is intensively discussed. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia is focusing its attention on development projects to improve the country’s current economic conditions.

The development planning system must be implemented based on the principles of democracy and be supported by the principles of togetherness, justice, sustainability, environmental awareness and independence.

Development broadly consists of non-physical and physical development. According to Wresniwiro non-physical development is a type of development created by the encouragement of local communities and has a long period of time.

Another case with physical development is development that can be felt directly by the community or development that is visible to the eye.

At present one of the physical developments that is being carried out is the Trans Sumatra Toll Road project which has begun to be built from Lampung Province with an estimated 140.41 kilometers.

The Trans Sumatra Toll Road Construction Project in Lampung Province starts from Bakauheni Port, South Lampung Regency to Terbanggi Besar, Central Lampung Regency (Antara, 2015).

The operation of the toll road itself is intended to realize equitable development and maintain a balance in the development of the region by taking into account justice, which can be achieved by fostering a road network whose funds come from road users.

While the purpose of the toll road is to improve the efficiency of distribution services in order to support increased economic growth, especially in areas that have high levels of development.

The problem that often arises in the process of managing toll roads is about land defense by the community. The government must spend a significant amount of money to be able to free up community land in other development projects.

Land conflict events that are often found such as cases in general, are not found in the process of building the Trans Sumatra Toll Road in Lampung, especially in Sabah Balau Village, Tanjung Bintang Subdistrict, South Lampung Regency.

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