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Contoh Laporan Kegiatan Lapangan Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Laporan Kegiatan Lapangan Bahasa Inggris

Source : mamikos.com

Outdoor Study Field Report


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Praise and thanksgiving prayed to God who has mercy and His guidance, so that the preparation of this Study Outdoors Report can be properly resolved without constraints. This report contains data observations and discussions during the Outdoor Study. The report also features pictures taken observations for Outdoor Study progress.

Of course, in the preparation of this Study Outdoor Report is still a lot of shortcomings, for the criticism and constructive suggestions are highly expected.

Finally to all those who have assisted the completion of this report say thank you. I hope this report can provide benefits. Amen.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Yogyakarta, March 2020


Outdoor study activities are a means to help students understand theory. Studying in class would be boring, while studying the theory in the book will probably cause a question mark on the students. Outdoor study provides new experiences for students to work, observe, and examine nature.


To determine the life or the ecosystem in coastal areas such as observing living creatures on the beach and coastal state


Besides enlarge knowledge, students become more interested studying science because it has direct experience. Students will more understand the material that had learn.

Results And Discussion


Gunungkidul geomorphology beach in the form of mountains that stretch along the southern coast of the parent rock of limestone. It is alleged that these coastal land from the sea that rise into the air. Coastal ecosystems are composed of terrestrial ecosystems that occupy the area above the shoreline and aquatic ecosystems that occupy the area beneath the coastline.


1. Knowing coastal forest formations

2. Knowing the structure of coastal ecosystems

3. knowing the population distribution of flora and fauna of the coast.


Students will understand the biology concept. Learning will be easier because the evidence obtained through observations. Besides, students will know coastal forest formations, the structure of coastal ecosystems, the population distribution of flora and fauna of the coast.


Coastal ecosystems are composed of terrestrial ecosystems that occupy the area above the shoreline and aquatic ecosystems that occupy the coastline below.

1. Terrestrial Ecosystems

Coastal areas generally forming forest formations, which is based on vegetation type that dominates the community could be classified into several types:

a. Formation Baringtonia

b. Formation Pescaprae

c. Formation Spnifex

d. Mangrove formations

2. Aquatic ecosystem

Marine aquatic ecosystem structure much influenced by environmental factors.

a. Based on the depth of the sea bottom:

1.) Litoral zone : the area between the lines and lines ebb tide sea water. Usually on a sloping beach.

2.) Batial zone : the ocean waters that have a depth between 200m-1800m.

3.) Abisal zone : the ocean waters that have a depth of more than 1800m

4.) Hadal zone : ocean trench with a depth of 6000-10000m

b. Based on the intensity of the light conditions on seawater layer:

1.) Photik zone : the light is still possible for the duration of photosynthesis.

2.) Disphotik zone: the light is too dim to support the process of photosynthesis.

3.) Aphotik zone: the dark zone. Generally the depth > 1000m.

c. Based on the distance from the shoreline:

1.) Neritik Zone :located in the tidal area up to 200m depth the sun still penetrate this area.

2.) Zone Oceanic / pelagic

Marine aquatic ecosystem community is made up of producers including the form of algae and phytoplankton and zooplankton consumers in the form and aquatic animals. Distinguished by his behavior that is:

1. Zooplanktoon

2. Nekton

3. Periphyton

4. Benthos

Research Method

1. Make a map of each area in the form of observations of the coastline to identify environmental factors that influence the formation of ecosystems.

2. Recognize the structure and texture of the soil / rock.

3. Measure the instantaneous wind speed and humidity, acidity and salinity of seawater.

4. Recognizing the types of forest vegetation formations authors. Recognizing the spread of pairs limits the maximum coast line.

5. Recognize and identify the biota that live in marine waters of the maximum tide line up to ± 20 m to the sea waters at the sea water had receded maximum.

6. Analyzing the spread of the population.

7. Making pictures / photos of each organism is found to facilitate the identification


1.Map Of Observations

2. Structure And Soil Texture

a. Sundak Beach

Composed of white sand and shells of marine animals are concentrated along the beach. Textured soft on the distant parts of the shoreline, and rough at the beach.

B. Krakal Beach

Composed of white sand and shell fragments of marine animals. Soft textured.

3. Wind Speed

V = s / t

= 7m/2s

= 3.5 m / s

4. Air Humidity


5. Authored Formasi Forest

a. Formation Baringtonia: barington tree, acacia, pine shrimp, ketepeng, keben

b. Formation Pescaprae: pescaprae

c. Other vegetation: sea pandanus

6. Marine Biota

7. Spreading Population

a. Sundak

– Vegetation baringtonia is ± 50 m from shore

– Vegetation pescaprae is ± 20 m from shore

b. Krakal

– Green algae attached to rocks with a limited number

– Pandan spread along the sea shore

– Kangkung sea are found only in few points

8. Conclusion

Every beach has its different characteristic depends on the location.

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